After researching luxury goods and luxury owners on the internet for a long time, I decided to see what real life luxury owners are like.
I spent three hours in the St James Quarter observing the crowd, looking for people carrying luxury handbags, hoping to find something about them in common, but different from the general public. For example, people who carry luxury goods will dress more avant-garde and fancy, like the influencers that I saw on social media. Or, as in some films and TV shows, they should be more arrogant and cold-hearted. But in fact, the people carrying luxury handbags were just like ordinary people - young students, lovers, busy mothers, and gentle old ladies. It is not, as one might expect, a crowd of highbrow elegance and wealth.
I suddenly realised: luxury brands and influencers had made a massive deception among the younger Chinese generation, promoting the belief that possessing luxury items was the key to success in life. The absurdity of this lie had been perpetuated repeatedly, gradually insinuating itself into the core values of the youth. However, this illusion would eventually be shattered, perhaps in the same way that it had for me - after a terrible day spent lugging around an unwieldy luxury bag or through a crazy luxury purchase leading to a credit card meltdown. The harsh truth of the matter is that the pursuit of luxury can be a slippery slope towards a self-destructive cycle, causing one to lose sight of what truly matters in life.
