I was reminded of an ancient Chinese fable called A Dream of Yellow Sorghum (Huang Lang Yi Meng), which seems similar to the story of luxury goods and young Chinese consumers.
The plot of the story is: A poor student Lu met the Taoist priest at his inn and sighed to the Taoist priest that he was poor. the Taoist priest took a celadon pillow for Lu to sleep on, while the shopkeeper was cooking millet rice. Lu enjoyed all the glory and wealth in his dream, but when he woke up, the shopkeeper's millet rice was not yet cooked.
In the story of luxury and young consumers, luxury brands and influencers are this Taoist priest, luxury is the pillow in the story, and consumers are like the poor student in the story who is dreaming of wealth and prosperity.
At the end of the story, it is not said whether the student got a degree of success after waking up from his dream, just as he soared to greatness in his dream. Perhaps he was inspired by the dream and began to rise to the occasion. Or perhaps he will indulge in the dream brought to him by the pillow and begin to sleep for a long time. It is the same for young Chinese people who fall into the dream of luxury.
Therefore, through my practice, I hope to make young people in China aware of how this 'A Dream of Yellow Sorghum' is created and to remind them not to indulge in this dream.

(Images from Zhi Hu, Public domain)