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Week 9 - 02


On my third attempt at crafting the foam handbags and jewelry, things went quite well and I was mostly satisfied with the outcome.

To begin with, I made a frame for the bag using white cardstock. Following that, I glued expanding foam filler and affixed large clear plastic balls containing gold coins to it. (I didn't have any picture about this stage because my hands were covered in foam and using my mobile phone was tricky.) While I had initially planned to attach the smaller clear plastic balls at this stage, the expanding foam filler dried out quicker than I thought it would, so I opted to wait until the expanding foam filler had dried completely before attaching them. A friend and I playfully remarked that the bag does indeed resemble a luxury item since it's all crafted by hand.

Creating the foam jewelry turned out to be comparatively straightforward. I started by placing the metal fittings in the right place, then sprayed on the expanding foam filler and attached the clear plastic balls.


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